• guasha face tool

    What is a Gua Sha Face Tool and how do I use it?

    Ugh, puffy and pallid, that’s how my skin feels this morning after an indulgence on more of last night’s salty and sugary Christmas party food and drink than a healthy carrot baton could wave…

    28th November 2018
  • Touch that face! The 5 big benefits of face massage

    Busy women (so, everyone here) are no strangers to the fact nowadays, me-time is no longer a nice-to-have, it’s a necessity. And whether we like it or not, when life gets pretty full on,…

    11th December 2017
  • The Nourish Shed meets three wellbeing trailblazers

    Millennials starting foodie and wellness businesses, nothing new there you might be thinking. But two brands I had the pleasure to meet the founders of are going from strength to strength in this competitive…

    30th November 2016
  • Image showing alt text

    Magnesium: the marvel that it is

    We need to talk about magnesium’s magnificence, stat. Right now, less than 70% of women and 40% of men in the UK are getting their fair share of magnesium. If you are suffering from poor…

    8th October 2016
  • herbs image for what's a naturopath

    What the deuce is a Naturopath?

    You’ve heard of nutrition, you’ve heard of massage, anatomy and probably acupuncture too. But have you the foggiest what a naturopath or naturopathy is? Spilling the beans (the organic adzuki variety of course) Naturopathy, also called…

    3rd September 2016
  • Image showing alt text

    How did The Nourish Shed get its Nanspiration?

    “Just. do. it” goes the old Nike adage, right? Stop procrastinating, get that ball rolling, pull your socks up, dive in and just start. Such was the self-encouragement for The Nourish Shed’s coming into existence and I am…

    1st September 2016